I know on my last post, I discussed that we found out the case was confirmed... apparently, the Trustee sends one letter to let us know what is in store for our case, and the US Bankruptcy Court sends another letter making it official? I'm not exactly sure what the whole process is, but we got a second confirmation letter, except this one came from the US Bankruptcy Court. Almost a whole year after filing, and our plan is just now being officially confirmed, which basically means we are THISCLOSE to being done and fully discharged. If my calculations are correct, our remaining balance is $12 and August 1st will be our final Bankruptcy payment.
I know I'd mentioned that we were going to pay the plan off early, but we decided against it, for several reasons. Most importantly, as is always the case, LIFE got in the way and that 'extra' tax-refund money had to go to other, more important things.
But anyway, I'm going to e-mail our paralegal (we'll see how far that gets me - I never did receive an adequate response to my last e-mail) just to make sure we only owe $12.
Here's hoping!